Introducing Florence Rita Rickards!
Florence with Bob Proctor
Florence Rita Rickards is a dynamic, energetic, Speaker, Facilitator, Coach, Consultant, and Author. Florence is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Certified Transformational DreamBuilder Coach, a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, a Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional, Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader, and a Registered Social Worker (np).
Her work has been widely featured on television and radio talk show programs such as Body, Mind and Soul, Consciousness Evolution TV, NOW TV, Global TV, WSN radio, News for the Soul radio, Amazing Women of Power Radio, The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Radio Program, and in numerous publications, such as Issues Magazine for Empowerment, SAGE-ING with Creative Spirit, Grace & Gratitude || The Journal of Creative Aging, the Human Resources Management’s People Talk Magazine, The Sun and Province Newspapers, The Now Newspapers, Bank of Montreal Mature Magazine, and NETWERCC News.
Florence is also the author of: “Finding your Dharma…Your Passion…Your Purpose in Life” featured in the book, “Living an Extraordinary Life”, two audio programs entitled, “Take Back Your Life – Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World” and “Breaking the Chains of Mediocrity – Being a No Limit Person!”, and the CD, “IGNITE YOUR PASSION! REALIZE YOUR DREAMS!”
Florence’s Passion and Purpose in life, what she refers to as her “soul’s calling”, is to help YOU find and live YOUR Passion and Purpose, BE all that YOU can BE and all that you are meant to BE, Realize YOUR Dreams, and, Create and Live a Life YOU LOVE! so that you can make the difference you are here to make.
Florence currently lives in beautiful, Kelowna, BC. And, thanks to technology, she provides Life, Business and Executive Coaching to busy individuals of all ages, from all walks of life, living all over the world!
HERE IS A MESSAGE FROM FLORENCE THAT YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS: YOUR CALL TO GREATNESS! Florence believes that YOU are being called to be your Greatest self yet to be. You can also see and hear a “snippet” of Florence’s Interview on Conscious Evolution TV here and you can watch the entire interview here.

Florence with Les Brown
Florence has over thirty years experience assisting individuals and organizations in achieving their maximum potential. She is currently the founder, creator and owner of LIGHTHOUSE Coaching & Consulting, and the Create a Life YOU Love Institute! Both are organizations dedicated to inspiring, encouraging, and supporting YOU to achieve YOUR maximum potential, realize YOUR passion and purpose, live YOUR dreams, and CREATE a Life YOU absolutely LOVE living! – a Life that IS totally satisfying to YOUR Soul!
Her experience includes being the creator, President and owner of ACHIEVE Consulting Incorporated, an organization that provided services in Vocational Rehabilitation, Disability and Case Management, Return to Work Planning, Organizing, Facilitating and Supporting; Training and Development, Human Resources, and Organizational Development. Florence was also the Creator, President and Owner of Success Unlimited Training Institute, a fully accredited Private Training Institute that offered a variety of Business Education and Professional Development Programs both day and evening. Her innovative programs set precedents in the field and she received the Woman of Distinction Award in acknowledgement of this as well as her 25 + years dedicated to improving opportunities for individuals from all walks of life and all education and economic backgrounds.

Florence with Iyanla Vanzant
Florence has worked in large and small organizations in both the public and private sector in a variety of capacities including: Director of Employee Support and Development, Director of Business Development, Executive Director, Personnel Manager, Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant, Medical Social Worker, Human Resources Manager, and as an Instructor for a variety of Public and Private Colleges and Universities. In addition, Florence was the first faculty hired by the first Canadian campus of the University of Phoenix and was instrumental in pioneering that first campus. She taught over 25 different courses in both the Bachelor and Master of Business Programs. In recognition of her dedication and excellence in teaching Florence was awarded the Sperling Teaching Excellence Award by the University of Phoenix.

From left: Michael Beckwith, Ricki Beckwith, Florence and Mary Morrisey
In addition to completing her Masters Degree in Business Administration at Simon Fraser University, Florence is also a Bob Proctor Certified Life Success Consultant and a Mary Morrissey Certified Transformational DreamBuilder Coach and Certified Life Mastery Consultant. She is also a Certified Human Resources Professional, a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, and a Registered Social Worker (np). Florence was one of the first Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leaders in BC and in Canada receiving her Certification in 2001 from Steve Wilson, founder of the World Laughter Tour Inc. Organization. Florence was also among the first professionals in Canada to become a life and business coach beginning her coaching career in the late 90’s studying with Thomas Leonard, through CoachU and Coachville. In 2002 she became a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach after completing an intensive, comprehensive, rigorous, Coach Certification Program with the highly recognized Coaches Training Institute of San Rafael, California.
Florence received the Sperling Award of Teaching Excellence, and both the Woman of Distinction Award (for Professional and Volunteering Leadership), and the Courage to Come Back Award (Overcoming Social and Economic Adversity category).

Florence with Jean Houston
Florence’s Volunteer Experience includes creating the Lighthouse Living Enrichment Society, being an editor and writer for the B.C. Human Resource Management Association’s People Talk Magazine (awarded her own Small Business Solutions Column). Florence was also the President of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Simon Fraser Branch, Director of NETWERCC (Networking, Education and Training for Workers in Employment, Rehabilitation, Career Counselling), Co-Chair of the B.C. Human Resources Management Association – Training and Development Roundtable, and Vice President of the Labor Market and Career Information Association of British Columbia.
Florence’s Passion is facilitating, guiding, motivating, inspiring and energizing people and organizations on their journey to success and fulfillment. She has synthesized the best from psychology, human development, business, communications, personal development, mentoring, counselling, spirituality and coaching, to help individuals realize their passion, live their dreams and CREATE lives they LOVE living!
For more information about Florence’s Coaching click here and for current programs and services click here or go to the programs and services page.
To find out what Florence Rickards can do for you, email Florence TODAY: You can also complete the FREE Passion and Purpose Assessment here and become eligible for a Complimentary Discovery Session with Florence valued at $300 – $350.
And, remember, it is NEVER too late to Realize YOUR Dreams! and Create and Live a Life YOU LOVE! It’s ONLY too late if you don’t START NOW!